Navigant Corporate Advisors Limited

Navigant Corporate Advisors Limited is a Mumbai based financial services company. It is well known during IPO issues due to its role as lead manager to the issue.

Navigant Corporate Advisors Limited

About Navigant Corporate Advisors Limited

Navigant Corporate Advisors Limited is a SEBI registered category-I merchant banker. This company is primarily engaged in capital market advisory and financial services to the corporate as well as High Networth Individual (HNI) clients. It provides the following key services to its clients:-

  • IPO Advisory
  • Listing on Stock Exchanges
  • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
  • Debt Syndications
  • Takeovers
  • Valuation Reports
  • Cross-Border Structures
  • Tax Management
  • Strategic and General Corporate Advice
  • Business Modelling


423, A Wing, Bonanza, Sahar Plaza Complex, J. B. Nagar, Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 059.

Telephone: +91 22 4120 4837/+91 22 4973 5078



Popular Latest Public Issues
Company Issue Type Issue Period
Anmol India Limited IPO 12-14 February 2019


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