Best Business Ideas for 2019 – What Business to Start in 2019

    After the launch of Startup India scheme, there are youths in India who are eager to start their own business and want a good recognition of their work. But, to start any business, it requires sound planning. In the phase of planning, the biggest part is the idea of business. A lot of businesses we see around us. Some are too successful and some are struggling. If we start with a good idea and best planning, nothing can stop our business to be successful. This post discusses 10 best business ideas for 2019 to start with.

Business Ideas for 2019

  Around 11,90,00 companies are active in India in the year 2018. Some companies are much success in their work and getting their name listed in world’s top performing companies and thousands of the companies are shutting down every month. There were 10,000+ businesses recognized by the government as startups in 2018. Those all were started with a fresh new idea. Here we give a list of fresh new 10 best business ideas for 2019 to start with.

Top 10 Business Ideas for 2019
#1 E-Commerce

   If we look back in the past few years, the most successful business area is E-Commerce. A lot of top performing companies are dominating the country such as Flipkart, Amazon, PayTM, Snapdeal etc. In almost every 2-3 months they start some discount sales like “Big Billion Days” and sale the products worth billions.

Scope:  In the year 2009, the size of the e-commerce market was $3.0 billion. It reached around $40 billion in year2018. It is expected it can reach up to $120 billion in the year 2020. As per a report, this the fastest growing market in India. There were around 50 million internet users 10 years back and now they are around 470 million. This number is only 40% of the total population of India. Seeing these figures, it is doubtless to say that the future is very bright in the e-commerce industry.

Opportunities: There are two possible options to start in 2019:-

  1. Start a New E-Commerce Platform: If you have a new idea which is different and better than the existing e-commerce platform, you can start your own platform. This option will require a new website, payment gateway, advertisement and many other things which require for an e-commerce platform. Here you can sell your own product or invite other sellers to sell their products. Expected Investment: – Minimum Rs 1-2 Lakhs.
  2. Start Selling on Existing Platform: If it does not seem easy for you to start and establish a new platform, you can sell your products on existing platforms like Flipkart, Amazon etc. For this purpose, you need to obtain GSTIN, PAN, Current Account and list your products on those websites. You can sell electronic items, fashion items, home decor items etc. You need to do a survey to know what will be profitable to sell online. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 15,000.
#2 Food and Beverages

Food and beverages are the another most demanding things in India.

Scope: There is a trend nowadays in people to go out for dinner or lunch. People are looking for best taste, good quality, and reasonable price. A lot of restaurants and cafes can be seen in the surroundings. But everyone could get a good footfall of customers only because of quality and rate.

Opportunities: There are three options to enter this domain:-

  1. Start Your Own Restaurant: Start a restaurant and try to sell some famous food items which are generally not available in the menu of many good nearby restaurants. All you need to maintain the quality and taste. You can list your restaurant on online food portals like swiggy, zomato foodpanda etc. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 1-1.5 Lakhs.
  2. Get Franchise of Popular Food Chains: In the first option, you need to make your restaurant popular in the area and you need more time getting famous. If you do not want to take risk of getting popular, you can get the franchise of any popular restaurant. You need to qualify the terms and conditions of the franchise owner. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 5 Lakh and more.

(Business Ideas for 2019)

#3 Cloud Computing

Scope: Cloud computing is the most talked topic in the IT field today. This is helping many small companies in saving their money. It provides software services, infrastructure services, platform services to the companies on the rent basis over the internet. A company wishing to avail a high-cost software, or get a memory space, or a database, it will go for cloud services in case of low budget.

Opportunities: There are following opportunities available in this field:-

  1. Provide Softwares on Rent Basis: Either develop some demanding software and start providing it to your clients through the internet and fix a monthly or annual rate. If not comfortable with developing your own software, get some popular software in demand in your area like Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS etc in partnership and start renting it. Expected Investment: Depending on the software. Minimum Rs 30,000.
  2. Provide Platform and Infrastructure on Rent Basis: Buy some platforms like operating systems, network capacity, database, server etc and start providing them on the rent-basis. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 2-3 Lakhs.
#4 Other IT Services and Support

Scope: There are many companies and other institutions who are migrating their work on digital platforms. The government has also launched the Digital India scheme and planning to reach computer and internet to the reach of every citizen of the country. All of this requires IT services support.

Opportunities: You can start a small scale IT company which can develop, install and maintain software, install hardware, provide all type of IT support. You need to promote your business locally. You need to acquire IT related orders from the clients. Initially, you need not buy all type of hardware without getting any order. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 30,000. 

(Business Ideas for 2019)

#5 Online Education

Scope: Students these days are not dependent only on the books available in the library of their school or college. They search over the internet the topics what they want to learn.

Opportunities: Prepare articles full of images, diagrams, tables etc. Create a website and write articles there. Initially write the articles on the topics you are expert in. Later invite your friends and guests to write articles on different topics. When you start writing on a subject, try to write on all the topics of the subject. You can create a YouTube channel and upload video lectures in name of your website. When your website gets popular, you can start paid registration for the courses. Later, you can place ads on the website from which you can earn. All you need is to do is to work continuously and wait with patience. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 3,000.

#6 Investment and Finance

Scope: People want to invest their money but face challenges because of less knowledge of available investment opportunities. There are many many companies working in this domain, but they say themselves as best and try to sell their own or their partner’s product to clients.

Opportunities: To start in this domain you need to follow the government regulations first. You can start in this field as:-

  • Investment Advisor
  • Mutual Fund Advisor
  • Stock Sub-Broker
  • Portfolio Maintenance
  • Insurance Advisor

All you need to do is to obtain a valid registration from concerned regulators to become any of the above. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 50,000.

#7 Organic Farming

Scope: Due to the use of various pesticides and fertilizers, it is becoming difficult to get healthy agriculture products like vegetables, fruits, and other crops. Many reports indicate the presence of poisonous elements in agriculture products. Now the attention of people is increasing towards chemical freely produced fruits and vegetables.

Opportunities: If you have a land for farming, grow organic fruits and vegetables and sell them through offline markets or through online modes over the internet. If you do not have the land, you can contact the local farmers and order them for organic production. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 50,000.

(Business Ideas for 2019)

#8. Fashion

Scope: This is one of the highest-growing industries in India. Every year, there is a new trend in terms of fashion, apparel, grooming etc.

Opportunities: You can start a business where you can sell apparel or fashion accessories like shoes, bags, belts, watches etc. You can sell your products in the offline mode and online mode as well through e-commerce portals. You can start beauty parlour or massage parlour also. You can start home-delivery also of the beauty parlour. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 1 Lakh.

#9 Tour & Travels

Scope: This is another highest growing industry in India. Every year, people try to go on vacation trips. They want the best travel option including taxi, hotel etc at a reasonable price.
Opportunities: Following are the opportunities in this field:-

  1. Tour Plan: You can prepare the tour plan including travel cost, hotel cost, taxi cost, and meal cost. You need to advertise your tour plan over the internet through social media and email advertisements. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 20,000.
  2. Taxi Service: You can start taxi-service also by having at least one taxi initially. You can hire more taxies on the requirements. You can start taxi-service and advertise it locally. Provide better rates to customers as compared to the other taxi-service providers in your area. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 5 Lakhs.
#10 Day Care Service

Scope: When people go on their, specially women, they want a place where they can leave their children for the full day.

Opportunities: If there is enough space in your house, you can start this work at home only. If not, you need to hire a sufficient place. Buy toys and other child-caring things. Advertise your work locally. This is a highly responsible work needs constant monitoring. Maintain quality, people will come to you with word-of-mouth advertisement. Expected Investment: Minimum Rs 1 Lakh.

(Business Ideas for 2019)

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#Business Ideas #Business Ideas for 2019 


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